5 Steps to Advanced
Envelope Air Sealing

Step 1

Equipment is setup at job site. Conveniently transported by trailer, AeroBarrier install equipment is mobile and portable. The equipment includes a compressor, generator, blower door, emitters, hoses, and the AeroBarrier machine.

Step 2

Prep the space. This includes taping and covering horizontal surfaces and areas that will not be sealed. Also, emitters are setup throughout the area to be sealed.

Step 3

Pressurize the space with the use of a blower door. A computer does the rest, including the control of temperature, pressure, humidity, and distribution of sealant.

Step 4

See the results in real-time. Throughout the application process, the computer monitor displays the ACH improvement, allowing you full control over your desired level of envelope tightness or leakage reduction.

Step 5

Run a final blower door test to verify the sealing results. At the end of the process, receive anAeroBarrier Certificate, with a pre and post leakage report.