The AeroBarrier 5-Step Process

Geoff Ferrell is Chief Technology Officer at Mandalay Homes in Prescott, Arizona. Geoff explains the AeroBarrier process, which takes approximately two hours to conduct on a typical 2000 sf home.
Steve Tapio from New Tradition Homes

New Tradition Homes builds 300+ homes annually and recently completed construction on a pilot project using AeroBarrier. The result was a home with near zero envelope leakage.
Ron Nardozza

Ron is Founder and President of Four Walls, Inc, a energy efficiency consulting service. Ron is committed to advancing energy efficiency in the residential and commercial sectors in Oregon and Washington. Having completed thousands of home energy audits, he is dedicated to improving testing and verification techniques. Ron recently implemented AeroBarrier on his personal home.
Holmes and Holmes Featuring AeroBarrier on DIY Network

Professional contractor Mike Holmes and his son, renovation expert Mike Jr., will tackle more father/son projects on the new season of Holmes and Holmes. Armed with Mike Sr.’s personal credo to “make it right,” the pair will buy and transform three rundown properties into dream homes. They put AeroBarrier to the test and share the excitement about the results.
AeroBarrier wins Best In Show at IBS '18

Matt Risinger in a Builder who specializes in Architect Driven & Fine Craftsmanship Work. He talks about Building Science, Craftsmanship, & Best Practices for Building & Remodeling. In this video, Matt talks about AeroBarrier.
AeroBarrier in 2-minutes: The 5-step Process

In this video, the 5-step AeroBarrier process is explained, including site prep, equipment setup, application, and the computerized report.
Tadashi Shiga from Evergreen Certified in Seattle, WA

Tadashi shares his experience using AeroBarrier. He is the first PHIUS rater in Washington, and was involved with the first DOE Builder’s Challenge home in the state in 2010. Evergreen Certified won the Built Green Hammer Award in 2013, and has been the green verifier for the 2013 & 2015 DOE Housing Innovation Award Dwell Development projects.
Anthony Maschmedt | Principal of Dwell Development

With more than thirteen years experience building homes in the greater Seattle area, Anthony is an advocate for sustainable design and green construction. He continues to push the envelope in the sustainable community with innovative construction methods that have positively influenced city building practices. As a lifelong Seattleite, Anthony has a deep commitment to creating communities that bring together like-minded individuals who value sustainability and modern design. In this video, Anthony describes AeroBarrier’s game changing impact on reducing envelope leakage.
AeroBarrier Wins Gold — Edison Awards 2018

This video is a recap to AeroBarrier and receiving the much coveted Gold Edison Award for Applied Technology — beating out DOW.